Budget Tracker

Budget Tracker

Monday, November 25, 2013


As we approach this Thanksgiving, the Lord has put on my heart many times over the last month the verse that Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." When I think of what to give thanks for, my first thoughts are usually the many blessings the Lord has bestowed upon my life including His love and grace.

However, this Thanksgiving the Lord has brought to my mind the many trials I have faced and has challenged me to be thankful. Not just thankful for the victories out of the trials, but actually thankful for the difficult and challenging time.  I read not long ago in a book on leadership about courage. It said you cannot have courage without fear. The more I have thought about this the more I have thought about the similarities between blessings and trials. The experiences that I have faced, although not always pleasant, have molded my strength in the Lord, my trust in the Lord, my love for the Lord, and my witness of the Lord. It is because of these things that I can truly "give thanks in all circumstances". 

A.W. Tozer once said, “Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now.” This Thanksgiving I have been challenged to look beyond the obvious into those things unrealized and give thanks, a "Thanksgiving Twist". What I have found is His blessings are limitless!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tribute to Travis

Ten years ago today, October 21, 2003, our lives changed. Travis Austin Baird was born. His name came from Texas heros, and he is and will always be one of the Baird Family heros. We have enjoyed watching Travis mature over the last 10 years. He is a wonderful son and brother, who has a soft spot for his sister.

Travis at the Airshow at 3 years old
As a Tribute to his 10 years of life, Travis wanted to draw our "Baird Journey"board for October and write our next blog. We are so thankful that God chose to bless us with Travis. Our family has the privilege in taking part in God's plan for Travis. We feel blessed beyond words to be a part of his life.

Part of the plan for Travis' life is to join in the call of our family to Ireland. The Baird Family is grateful for your prayers and support in our Baird Journey. We are counting down to Randal's 50th birthday with the 50BY50 Campaign. Our goal is to have the greenteam at 50% by Randal's 50th birthday, December 23rd. Have you prayed about joining? You have the opportunity to reap a harvest in Ireland. You can join the greenteam by clicking here.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Journey Defined

jour·ney (jûrn)

n. pl. jour·neys
a. The act of traveling from one place to another; a trip.
b. A distance to be traveled or the time required for a trip: a 2,000-mile journey to the Pacific; the three-day journey home.
2. A process or course likened to traveling; a passage: the journey of life.

Travis at 5 years old
When Travis was 5, he took his very first big hike of 5.5 miles. We were living in Maui at the time. There were times in the hike that Travis was tired, hungry, and even bored, but all that he experienced on his way to the top will never compare to the things that were not enjoyed. One thing that he took attention to was when all the sounds of the traffic below could no longer be heard. It was completely quiet; even so, he could still hear the Humpback whales in the ocean below expelling air from their blowholes. How is that even possible? 
In the definition of journey, I am reminded that it is in fact a "process". Many times when we begin a journey, a trip, we can't wait until we arrive. How much do we miss along the way because our focus is what is at the end? Often we complain of the time it takes to get there.

Although Travis was very tired at times, I wonder if he would have felt as proud of his accomplishment if it would've been possible to drive to the top. It would've been faster. He still would've seen the view. However, it was because of the process of his journey, he could appreciate the top even more.

Our family has been on a long journey now for several years to answer a call to Ireland. I must admit that I have been one of those at times to say, "why can't we just get there?" I also have found myself at times complaining of the time it has taken us to get there. When I think of all that Travis experienced on his hike, I would never want to take that away from him to get to the top faster somehow. It makes me wonder what our family would've missed along our journey if we would've landed in Ireland years ago. I am so thankful that God has our family in His hands, and He brings good things into our lives in just the right time.  The verse in Proverbs 4:11-12 that says, "I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble" has given me encouragement many times along our journey. When I rest in the journey He has given us, I am trusting Him.

100 Dots to go GREEN
Travis turns 10 years old next month
Part of our journey is to gather partners who will join our journey. Our partners are called "THE GREEN TEAM". We have 100 dots to fill before departing to Ireland. We are so grateful for those who have joined in this journey. If you would like to join the GREEN TEAM, click here, here, or here. How much more will we appreciate being in Ireland because of our journey!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ireland 101 - Top 10 Interesting Facts We've Learned about Ireland

10. No Snakes in Ireland!
9. You drive on the left side of the road, and there is
more than one kind of traffic jam.
8. Here are the hours of daylight for Dublin.
We would walk Travis to school in the dark
and pick him up in the dark during the winter.
7. There are over a quarter of a million miles
of stone walls in Ireland. Many were created
to clear the land for farming
6. Randal says Ireland has a "lazy sun" in the winter months. It only goes as high as about 9 o'clock, never a high noon.

5. It's not uncommon to drink tea
at least 5 times a day.
Ireland ranks in  the top 5 countries
who drink the most tea per capita.
4. Don't be confused when buying petro "gas".
The green is regular where in America,
the green means diesel. We will never forget...again.
3. Slippers were on the school supply list.
Travis would wear his wellies "rain boots" to
school and change into slippers when he
entered the building.
2. This phrase is said all the time.
What's the "crack" means "what's the story" or
"what's been going on?"
1. There is a Starbucks only
1.5 hours from Limerick!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Good Shepherd

Having lived in Ireland once before, seeing sheep graze the land is not a foreign thought. In fact, it's difficult to go most anywhere in Ireland without seeing sheep. There would be many times that we would pass sheep on the side of the road. The boys enjoyed us driving up close and honking our horn to see them run in the fields. They also thought it funny that the shepherds would paint their sheep to identify them. My favorite was to see all the lambs jumping around in the fields during the Spring time.

I think of what a shepherd means to sheep, and how everything a shepherd does is with the sheep in mind. The shepherd wakes in the morning to tend to the sheep. He not only desires to find the best pasture for the sheep, but he will look for the greenest part of the pasture. He trains the sheep to heed to his voice because he knows what is best for the sheep. His livelihood is the sheep. He rests only at night when the sheep are safe, and when he wakes he will begin his day again taking care of his sheep.

I often think of Psalms 23 and what it means for the Lord to be my shepherd. As my shepherd, I know the Lord desires to bring me and my family to the very best. I also know that I am on my Father's mind at all times. I think of the prayer Paul prayed in Ephesians, "to grasp how wide and how long and how high and deep is the love of Christ." I think it grand that the Lord gave us a picture of his love by calling himself our shepherd. My prayer is that I can be one of his sheep that heeds to his voice.

100 Dots to go "GREEN"

One way our family is following his voice is by answering the call to Ireland. We are believing for a harvest to be added to His Kingdom with our obedience to go and share with others that He is the Good Shepherd. Our prayer is that we can raise our budget in one year and leave for the mission field next summer. We are currently at 7.5% of our monthly commitments. We need 100 green dots before we can leave. Our account #2957363. You can be a part of this harvest by joining the "Green Team"! If you believe you are to be a part of what God is doing in Ireland, you can fill out this form to help us fill our 100 green dots.

We also have an "up-front cash" budget to raise. We are at 15%. There are 2 ways you can contribute to our journey:

Our AGWM Account # 2957363

 1. Online - www.s1.ag.org/bairdgiving.com 
 2. By Mail - Checks payable to AGWM with our account number #2957363 and name.   

Checks mailed to:
                    1445 North Boonville Ave
                    Springfield, MO 65802-1894

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Break Thru, Break Free, Break3 - Go Green

Less than 3% of Europeans

What is Break3?

While we were in Springfield for training, Travis made the comment, "Dad, there are a lot of churches here." Even our 9 year old son noticed that there were several churches in the city of Springfield, and he lives in Houston, where there are no shortage of churches. Some have asked us why we feel we need to go overseas to share the gospel when there is such a need in America. Our response is that we have to follow where God has lead us. The latest statistics show America to have about 30% believers. There is definitely a need for growth in America, but imagine living in a nation that has less than 3%. That is Europe! And, Ireland is even less than all of Europe. Ireland is around 1.5%, and where we will be working is even less . We are excited about the opportunity to be a part of a team that will Break the 3% in Europe! 

You can also join the team that will Break3

Join the GreenTeam

Above are the 100 dots that symbolize the Break3 % goal of European Evangelical Christians. Below are our 100 dots that symbolize our monthly partners goal. You can "Go Green to help us Go!".
When our 100 monthly partner dots are green, we will be able to leave for the mission field. We already have some who have partnered with this team to Break3. Can you see yourself on the "GreenTeam"? You can join 2 ways:

Our AGWM Account # 2957363

 1. Online - 
 2. By Mail - Checks payable to AGWM with our account number #2957363 and name.   

Checks mailed to:
                    1445 North Boonville Ave
                    Springfield, MO 65802-1894

Many thanks for all your prayers as we follow this journey God has put before us!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Life of Sam Baird

You voted...the Life of Sam Baird won!
"I knew it!"
"Mom, I know what day it is? You're taking us to school first." 
"Yes, Sam, that is right."
"I knew it!"

Sam is a 42 lb. 6 year old boy who loves to ask questions. Not just any questions. He loves to asks questions that he already knows the answers. My favorite part of his questions is watching his smile as he says, "I knew it!" This isn't a loud, celebrated, "I knew it", but a soft proud, "I knew it!"

Sam also enjoys sharing the plans for the day. His explanation for a typical day would be "get cloths on, eat, brush teeth, go to school, get picked up, homework, play, eat dinner, bath, and naptime (bedtime)". When I put him in bed and pray for him, he will ask if there is school or church tomorrow? He will then tell me the whole days plan based on my answer.

There are 2 things I want to share of what I see God doing in Sam Baird's life. One, Sam is the first of our kids that will ask how I am feeling. He will then tell me that he is going to pray for me at school. When I get picked up from work, the first question Sam will ask is, "how was your day?" I might answer my day went well, pretty smooth, and he will say, "good, I prayed for you!" Sam enjoys spending time with God. Two, Sam has an amazing memory. I am surprised time and time again when Sam says, "mom, remember when..." He recounts stories of years ago.

I believe God will use these 2 gifts as he matures in his walk with the Lord. My prayer for all my kids is that God would help us as parents see how He has designed them in order to help them develop in their gifts. When I found out I was pregnant with Sam Baird, and he was going to be our 3rd son, I'll be honest and say I was disappointed. I really wanted a girl at the time. But I am so thankful that God knew our family needed Sam Baird, and have enjoyed every moment with him the last 6 years. His smile and love has many times kept my mind off difficult situations. He may be small, but he has a big heart. I am so excited to see how God will use him.

We have recently returned from pre-field orientation.  It was an amazing, inspiring time to hear from former and current missionaries. We feel so humbled to be a part of the Assemblies of God World Missions particularly Europe Missions. Our next step is raising our budget. We have been blessed by those around us cheering us on and supporting us. We could not do what God has called us to without a team behind us. If you believe you are to be a part of this journey with us, you can click here or on the "Donate" to the right.

Our AGWM Account # 2957363 The following are 2 ways that you can send contributions:
 1. Online - www.giving.ag.org
 2. By Mail - Checks payable to AGWM with our account number #2957363 and name.  Checks mailed to:
                    1445 North Boonville Ave
                    Springfield, MO 65802-1894

Again, we thank all of you for your prayers as we continue to press on to what he has called us to!
Pre-field orientation camp
A smile that captures your heart

Friday, May 31, 2013

Past, Present and Future!

The Boys in Ireland - 2008
To share a bit of history of our journey, in 2008, our family packed up and answered the call to move to Ireland. At the time, we had 3 boys ages 4, 2 and 1. We went believing that we would be there for 2-3 years.  It only ended up being 7 months. Disappointment would be an understatement to express how we felt the day we returned to the states. For 5 years now, we have been praying and believing that God would make a way for us to return. During those 5 years, we have gone through more ministry training and pastoral classes to better equip ourselves. 

Baird Family - 2012
We both hold minister credentials now.  We even have added to our family...a little girl this time. While we were in the process of receiving our credentials, a pastor mentioned to us that we should consider applying to be Missionary Associates since our heart was to be in Ireland. We decided to apply and give God the opportunity to open the doors for us if it was His will. We received our approval as Missionary Associates just this month. We are now getting ready to go to pre-field orientation in just a couple of weeks in Springfield, MO. Our assignment is Limerick, Ireland and we will be serving under missionaries Brent and Lori Enget.

After our orientation, our goal for the next year will be to raise our budget. We have a set cash amount that has to be raised before leaving for Ireland as well as a monthly amount pledged. Our hope is to raise all our budget in order to leave for the field the summer of 2014. Randal has said to me all along that money has never been the reason why our road didn't lead back to Ireland sooner. He has said that God needed to get us ready (particularly him ready). I'm standing on his declaration that money will not hold us back. In the last year, God has moved in our family in ways that I never thought possible. Our dream is to serve in Ireland for 2 years as MA and then apply to be full-time career missionaries. There are still uncertainties in our story, but we choose to rely on the one who will complete our story.  

How Can You Help?
1. Please pray for wisdom and direction during this season in our lives. 
2. Pray for divine connections as we believe God to meet our financial goals. 
3. Prayerfully consider being a supporter to help us reach our goals.  You can click on "donate" to sign up. Our AGWM Account #2957363 or search under Baird. Donate
4. Pray for our children to transition smoothly.

May God richly bless you,
the Baird Family
(Randal, Kendra, Travis, Caden, Samuel and Katherine)