As 2014 moves on, our family has taken time to pause and reflect on the years passed and His goodness. Over the last few years, God has given our family some concrete words of focus for the coming year. In 2012, the Lord encouraged us in "Moving Forward". As we looked back, this word was evident throughout 2012 that the Lord was indeed moving us to something.
When making a commitment to surrender your life to Christ, it isn't long before you learn that His plans will become your plans. In 2013, the path He had us on took a new name as we "Forged Ahead". He continues to set our pace and steps that we are to take. In looking at what He has called us to, our first thought is gratitude. We are thankful for His promises and the hope He has given us through Christ. We are thankful for the plans He has called our family in bringing others this Hope. We are reminded of Abraham's promise and encouraged by his faith in Romans 4:20-22 (Amplified).
"No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God,Fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised.That is why his faith was credited to him as righteousness (right standing with God)."
In 2014, the words that the Lord has given our family are "Fruition-taking hold". Fruition by definition means:
1. Realization of something desired or worked for; accomplishment:
2. Enjoyment derived from use or possession.
3. The condition of bearing fruit.
Our family continues to wait on the Lord as He unfolds His plans. We look to Him for understanding and direction. Like Abraham, we give thanks and glory to God for His promises. Our assurance remains in Him and know that He is able and mighty to do what He has promised. We begin each day by taking the next step that He calls us to. We believe that as we live each day more in faith, we move closer toward His promises. We are anticipating "taking hold" of what He will give us in 2014. We are anticipating souls saved, deeper relationship with Him, being His hands and feet along the way, and watching Him move in and through us for His purposes.
greenteam |
One promise we are believing to "take hold" of is the call to minister in Ireland. We are believing that we will be departing this summer. We have made great strides, but still have much to gain. Our current budget raised is 70% of cash and 26% monthly commitments. We are praying for others to become a part of this call and join the "greenteam". You can join by filling out the form at We are humbled by all those who have invested in our family and in Ireland.