- 1.carefully choose as being the best or most suitable."students must select their own program"
synonyms: choose, pick (out), single out, sort out, take;
Have you ever been selected for something? Possibly it was as a child to be part of a team, or on the job for a particular task. How did it feel to know that you were selected, that someone thought you were "the most suited"? Someone thought you would be the BEST pick. Have you ever considered how you are God's "most suited"?
The Lord brought to mind this concept of selection when thinking about His call. It was even more evident when thinking of our Missionary training last summer. It was amazing to hear of all the specific places God called each of our 2014 class. Each individual/family had a story of God leading them to a specific place; their call to the mission field.
Our family is humbled to think that we were carefully chosen by God as being the best or "most suitable" for the nation of Ireland. What has He called you to? Is it a nation? A particular ministry? Your community? Your school? Without a doubt, we believe He has called you. Jeremiah 1:5 reminds us, "before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart..." For us, to know that God selected us for Ireland isn't the only excitement, but to know that He will enable us to go is even more exciting. For each call, He has a plan and is willing to put it into action with our faith and trust in Him. His promise is to "continue His work until it is finished..."