Budget Tracker

Budget Tracker

Thursday, October 9, 2014


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
 and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and he will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

One of my favorite children's books is called Zoom and another is called ReZoom. They are some of my favorites because they remind me that God sees the Big Picture. These wordless books challenge your imagination and keep you guessing. Just when you think you know where you're at, you turn the page to see you're probably wrong. They are pictures within pictures. One book will zoom you in while the other zooms you out.

As some may remember, it was my desire to be in Ireland in time for the boys to start school in August. While I thought this plan made the most sense, it was God who zoomed me out the past 2 months to realize what they needed was to homeschool with mom. 

As challenging as it has been on our finances, I am grateful that the Lord sees the big picture and gave me this time with the boys and away from work. I've enjoyed our daily walks and listening to all their questions. Their walk with the Lord has deepened over the past couple of months, and it has been amazing to see how God cares about preparing ALL of our family for the mission field in Ireland. I know these past few months will be a mark in their spiritual walk with the Lord, and one they will never forget!

Too many times we sit in a zoomed in position in our life and complain where He has us. We live frustrated and disappointed. It would have been easy to be disappointed that the boys missed starting school and now I have to homeschool. I could have questioned that I no longer had a job and how are we going to pay the bills? If I stayed in those zoomed in emotions, I may have missed some of the greatest days God had planned for my children. I chose to believe and trust God that He knows best. He sees the zoomed out pages, and His plan is good!