Budget Tracker

Budget Tracker

Sunday, December 21, 2014


What is 1910? It’s the year that the house in Ireland we live in was built. It was the house that our Landlord lived in as a child. He refurbished the house around 2004, so it does not seem that we are living in a home over a hundred years old. The Landlord now lives in a newer home on the same property just up the hill from the old house. He calls our house the old house. 

When driving around Ireland, it doesn’t take long for you to recognize that history is cherished in this culture. Our tendency is to toss away that which is old, but here what is considered old has a history. What is history? One definition states “a tale, story”, and another says, “a chronological record of significant events.” History may not always be something we are proud of, or even something we want to remember. On the other end, history may bring joyful memories and laughter. Either way, it is our history that has brought us to where we are, and has a definite story to tell.

Believing that God has a master plan brings history to even a new level of appreciation. Psalm 37:23 says from the New Living Translation, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” How exciting to think the Lord takes our history, every part, to fulfill his master plan.  To think His heart is to never throw it out, but only to refurbish and bring new life is a joyful thought! Also, to think how each of our lives hold a chronological record of significant events brings His wonder into reality.

We are a prized possession, one to be cherished...history and all!

This photo was taken from the window of our living room