Budget Tracker

Budget Tracker

Thursday, June 26, 2014

25 Thousand or More!

The Wall of Jerusalem at the time of Nehemiah
I recently shared the story of Nehemiah's call to rebuild the wall in a children's service. The theme that was covered was "Overcoming Obstacles". As I was rereading the story to prepare the message, I was amazed again at the success of Nehemiah. No doubt there was adversity around every corner. No doubt the task at hand seemed impossible. My amazement was the response that God gave in order for Nehemiah's call to be fulfilled...people, and a lot of people!

From what I can count, there were about 40+ different groups who helped Nehemiah rebuild the wall. How many were in these groups? Some count the total number to be 25 Thousand or More! The Bible says they were not all skilled builders. They were men and women who heard the heart of Nehemiah, and said they wanted to be a part of what God was going to do.

The outcome of God's people joining the call was this wall being rebuilt in 52 days! 52 days! Not years, not months, but days! It can almost leave you speechless when thinking about Nehemiah's call. One can only say that it is astounding what can be done when God's people join together for His purposes.

The story of Nehemiah is great encouragement for our family as we prepare for Ireland. God called, brought favor, provided and protected in order for His call to be fulfilled in Nehemiah's life. Our family is trusting God for the same outcome. Our numbers may not total 25 Thousand or More, but there have been many who have heard our heart for Ireland and responded by joining the call through prayer and financial support. We feel God will use our family to reach lives in Ireland. It is a nation with less than 1% of believers in Jesus. We have been given the opportunity to go and serve the people of Ireland.

Nehemiah would not have been able to rebuild the wall on his own. God sent the people he needed. We can believe God for the same.  

We will go when all the Dots are Green!
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How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news? Romans 10:15

Monday, June 9, 2014


Are you a part?

It's June...it's summer...it's hot! However, it happens to be the beginning of the "PEAK SEASON" for these radiant flowers. Is it even possible to pass by one of these and not smile, or awe in His wonder? Passing a field of sunflowers will no doubt turn your head. There are many flowering plants that will produce multiple blooms. Yet, God chose for these tall beauties to have one bloom, one stem.


Sunflowers are made of anywhere between 1000-2000 individual flowers at the base of the bright yellow petals. If we're counting parts, you can add the 2000 seeds that form at the center of the flower. I believe it is safe to say that it is the work of all these parts that enable this bloom to stand tall.

So, why the sunflower?

A few months ago, a special lady shared at Randal's birthday party, the importance of having many seeds in the bloom of a sunflower. She then shared how she felt a part of our Baird Journey; one of the many seeds that are needed and used for His purposes. With "PEAK SEASON" beginning for the sunflowers, it is also "PEAK SEASON" for the Baird Journey. If we are going to depart for Ireland in time for the boys to start school, then we are in "PEAK SEASON". We are believing and declaring for God to move on our behalf during this "PEAK SEASON".

What's needed?

Over the past year, we have added 53 individuals/families/churches to our monthly support team. There has also been numerous individuals/families/churches who have given offerings toward the Baird Journey. This has set us up at 98% of our cash budget raised and almost 45% of our monthly support.

We lack about 50% of our monthly support in order to have clearance for Ireland.

We are grateful for each one who has prayed for, encouraged, financially supported, and loved our family. They are the many seeds that allow the one to stand tall! They are also many seeds sowed into a nation whose waiting to stand tall. Our heart is to reach the people of Ireland, and we also believe it is "PEAK SEASON" for this nation. Will you be a seed? A part that makes the whole? You can become a part by joining our team and sharing our story.

When all of these dots are green, we can go!

Monthly Support


"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news?" Romans 10:15